Specifically written for someone newly diagnosed with MS or a chronic illness.
Inspirational stories about creating a better life after being diagnosed with MS.
Practical advice & over 100 tips to help you put your life back together.
Each week, 200 people are diagnosed with MS, adding to the approximately 2.5 million people living with the condition worldwide. Despite this large number, so little is really known about the condition and it can be difficult to find practical, real-life advice that you can put into action. Taking Control is an inspiring journey through the lives of 15 people living with MS. Read how they were diagnosed & address their greatest fears to go on & create a new life. Practical advice and over 100 tips for anyone living with a chronic illness.
One of Australia’s most recognised comedians and a performer who has made it on the world stage. Tim’s diagnosis came at the height of the Doug Anthony All Star’s fame and he was forced to make some life changing decisions about his very public career. In 2012 he wrote and toured his one-man show about MS called ‘Carry a Big Stick.’
A commissioned army officer, who only ever wanted to serve her country. Her diagnosis meant she could no longer deploy, so she had to make some hard decisions about her career as an officer.
Talks about her experiences of the stigma attached to MS as well as the decisions she’s had to make in planning a pregnancy during MS treatments.
"Taking Control - Inspirational Stories for people living with MS by Jillian Kingsford Smith is a must read for all of us. Jillian wrote the book during her own battle with MS and then breast cancer. It went to number one on Amazon in a week! I have just been to her book launch. Entertainer and comedian Tim Ferguson also shares his MS battle in Jillian's book. Very sobering stories. Be grateful for your health and thankful to those who show us why ." – Loretta Ryan. Journalist, radio 4BC
“If you have any connection to Multiple Sclerosis at all this is not an option – you MUST read this book! This should also be the first book anyone diagnosed with MS should be given to read – it should be government funded – that is how important this message is – there is no other book anywhere in the world that hits the mark like this does.” - Bronwynne Bandiera, Empower Network
“Taking Control is the book I wish I'd been given when I was diagnosed with MS 10 years ago. It tells the real story of MS - people shifting their priorities and doing all they can to get on with enjoying life. It is comforting to know others share some of the same challenges. The book provides great practical advice and tips to help you stay well both physically and emotionally.” – Linda Edgerton.
“People sometimes say to me ‘you’re an inspiration, so amazing” and it always embarrasses me. From the moment I was diagnosed with MS it was just something that I dealt with, no superwoman attached! But in reading Jillian’s chapter about my story, it actually made me stop and think just how much myself and all of my family have had to go through since 2007. It made me tear up at times & I’m so thankful to Jillian for helping me step back & reflect. I really think this book will be an inspirational read for many MS sufferers & their families.” – Nicole Jubber, The Fit Foodie
“When I was diagnosed 8 years ago I was given a lot of different information from all the professionals attending to me but to be able to read something from someone who actually has the condition would have resonated with me better. Positive stories, real life stories can make all the difference in those early days. Being newly diagnosed is so frightening but reading these stories will soften the blow.” – Regan Trask